Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DMin Thesis "Engaging Chinese Diaspora for the Ministry of Bible Translation" 《動員海外華人參與聖經翻譯事工》

I have posted my DMin Thesis to Academia.edu. I would appreciate your comment, input, share and network with potential partners, as I'm implementing the research result. It's very ironic that the thesis is written in English. I would appreciate if there can be bilingual volunteers help translate it into Chinese. Quite likely I can do the Chinese translation myself, then I will miss the point about engaging Chinese Diaspora. Non Chinese friends certainly are also welcome to help.
GOSP4EL(Global Open Source Project for Evangelical Laities) started from many ideas of this paper.
I would like to share more about the details in the future.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

謝謝莫老師 Thank you Mr. Mok.

1.下課后已經很晚了,但老師還與學生們吃消夜。談天說地。他很關心他的學生。后來也發覺他也是基督徒。我學到的是,有效的教學、交流、服務。最起碼的就是願意花時間在一起。Make yourself available.
2.他分享到,他的電腦老師從來不玩電腦游戲,因為覺得電腦學問是很嚴肅的,目的是為人民服務。不玩電腦游戲,這個我做不來。但是電腦、學問是要為人民服務,不敢忘懷。后來才知道,1960年代初一位有分參與研發早期DEC PDP-1 電腦游戲Spacewar!并與John McCarthy學習LISP的麻省理工研究生,多年之后加入了威克理夫聖經翻譯會工作。科技為何?讀聖賢書,所為何事?
3.考試的時候,我們不能看書,但可以看A4大小的“貓紙”(作弊參考材料)。這讓我學到讀書不是求分數,重點不一定是學習結果,而學習是過程。小弟十一月初在會議中發表的文章“The interaction of ideologies of content and process in translation and its implication for Bible Translation” 是老師所啟發原型的延伸。
4.老師看見同學不能把電腦弄好,他就跟自己說為什么我這樣笨,這么簡單的事情,都不能教會學生。Learner center approach education. 過去小弟參與顧問、培訓的工作,繼續學習這種態度。你們要去使萬民作我的門徒。我們訓練門徒、栽培下一是否應該抱着這種態度呢。如果真的是一代不如一代的話,那應該是誰之過呢?
1993年到了新加坡接受語言學、翻譯的培訓,之后加入差會到了工場,一都再沒有遇見老師。有一次回港,老師來聽小弟的分享、講座。一直沒有再見,直道最近,小弟工作改變,開始聯系不同的同道、好友,在互聯網、Facebook 遇上了老師。在這里向莫Sir 說一聲:"Thank you! 謝謝!Tamamasa。還望日后多多指教". 也希望在這里與教育界的兄姊共勉。你們對學生的關心和見證、在主里面不會是徒然的。

Saturday, October 3, 2015

What's Next, If there are Ideas about different Global Open Source Projects?

In what way can we make our global open sources projects be blessings to others? In you have an ideas or needs you can visit the wiki page:


and add your ideas or needs there or somewhere else?

If you notice that there are other people already handling the issue, please let us know. Then we can see how can we work together or just let others working on it, instead of reinventing the wheels.

If you think some project should have high priority, please also let us know and we will see how can we work together.

One of the possible step of next is to following the 17 steps of the following articles:

Problem Solving, Human-Centered Design, and Strategic Processes by Paul Brest, Nadia Roumani, and Jason Bade1

The 17 steps can be found in the wiki, and the article is under creative common license and can be downloaded by clicking the above link. This is the result of my current study Essential of Nonprofit Strategy, I would love to learn with your through Strategy and the implementation of Global Open Source Projects.