Tuesday, October 25, 2016



Thursday, October 13, 2016

垃圾還是活祭 Waste or Sacrifice

死亡的動物對你意味著什麼? 我認為這取決於你在哪裡看到他們,祭壇或垃圾桶。 我們把自己當作活祭嗎? 如果我們犧牲在錯誤的人手上, 像以利的兒子,那麼我們就是垃圾。
誰是祭司? 這促使我思考唯一的大祭司和“信徒皆祭司”的重要性。 這就是為什麼我盼望GOSP4EL能動員平信徒。

What does dead animal mean to you? I think that depends on where do you see them, the altar or the garbage bin. Are we offering ourselves as living sacrifice? What if we were sacrificed to the wrong hands, e.g. like the sons of Eli, then we would be waste.
Who are the priests? This prompt me to think about the importance of the only High Priest and "priesthood of all believers." That's why I would like to see GOSP4EL engaging evangelical laities.
Nowadays there are many leaders and clergy with title, how many of them can offer us to the altar for the Most High. We are not lack of leaders, but direction and leadership.