Friday, February 24, 2017

Global Open Source Projects for Evangelical Laities Initiatives 开源福音宗旨


Chinese churches have been receiving the blessings of the gospel more than two centuries, the gospel of God - the Word of God and the Great Commission, Freely receive should be freely give. GOSP4EL Blog is to network Chinese Christians, especially volunteer laity to serve with their expertise, knowledge, skills and other resources to assist the church to carry out the Great Comission.

Please pray for these projects.
Please help us to network and connection.
Please use and share your thought, ideas, resources ....

Distinctive of GOSP4EL -- 2016 October Revised version(frm Jeremiah's news letter):

G – Glocal 全球化Globalization 和本地化 Localization 在新興起的南半球亞洲的宣教力量如何與華人教會和西方合作特別是Diaspora 散居者的城市跨語言和跨文化的事工。在殖民的理念下,宣教士按經真理教導服侍當地族群建立本地化的教會,讓本色化的教會可以自處與普世教會聖徒相通團契。近年繼續顧問工作,參與不同會議,學習使用社交網,作聯的工作。大中華地區跨越語言、文化的合作、思想在世界、亞洲城市少數族裔的事工以不同的媒體和不同的策略,把他們母語聖經和福音介紹給他們


O – Open Source, Open Data 教會、差會機構、神學院及其他伙伴跨學科的共同協作、開發、共用資源;讓資訊更公開和透明,特別是應用高科技、學術成果普世宣教的伙伴聯、媒體、策略、聖經翻譯中。TBTA人工智能電腦軟件協助聖經翻譯工作。已在去年十一月公開源代碼。開源理念、創意思維對基督教傳統建制可能帶來擊,日要走的可能是又漫長又艱難的路

S – Sustainable 可持續獨立發展倍增。宣教工作在創啟地區要考慮創造價值,並足以自我維持、成長、倍增,整全信仰緊貼生活與職場誠信、有見證的基督企業家專業人士一直對可持續的宣教運動有很大的影響,在職場事工、城市宣教的新方向,相信將會有更重要的角色。繫並學習了解基督徒社會企業、營商宣教(BAM)、宣教營商(MAB)。此外傳承創造衍生價值堅持使命的有機體Organism需要導師、培養新一代顧問宣教領袖,除了在本地生根成長,枝條更要往外伸展

P – Partnership for Profitable Projects 結伴盈利項目
世界宣教氣候極速變化,恐怕傳統恐龍架構未能適應,結構的理念以合作、功能、敏捷實踐、發展項目以最小的行政結構和網絡來達成策略性的宣教效果信徒與教會更多直接參與。盈利Profitable 是指對社會、教會的貢獻和正面的改變

4 – For 為到(教學相長

E – Evangelical 福音信仰為基礎

L – Laity 信徒皆祭司、全民皆兵

2015 version 特點 Distinctive
Glocal(Chinese diaspora - Global and Local)

Open Source, Open Data


Projects with Technology and Transformation
以項目和技術為重心, 終身渴慕、學習聖經参與神話語的工作、利己利人

Evangelical Engagement

Laity Volunteer - Priesthood of All believers

Monday, February 20, 2017

Is great commission about leadership or followership?

I have been involved in leadership training ministry for a number of years. The origin of the leadership program related with Townsend Institute and was found by the founder of Wycliffe Bible Translator,Uncle Cam. The focus of Townsend Institute was training leader/administrative about how to relate with people rather than how to lead people.
As I am reflecting the content of the Bible, I think the term "leader" tend to be used in political sense in the historical context. The great commission is about making followers but not making leaders. I think the Bible provide guidance to relate with people more than to lead others.

As we are trying hard to contribute and obey the Great Commission for the Kingdom
I think we have to be careful and reflecting the Great Commission and the Greatest commandment along with the ultimate destination about where we are going to. I hope we don't love people because we want to see something change, we want to see something change because we love them. It can be rather plastic and easy to show our love in two weeks designed training template. Some missionaries( I feared not majority) came to HK/
China loving us by being with us, learning the difficult Cantonese Chinese and paying very high cost for whom they served for decades, being with us very transparent with integrity of their words and deeds. Instead of recruiting us as part of their team they became ones of us. Instead of making followers of his owe, they have been making us the disciple of the Master.

My prayer is, "God, help me to
1. be a better follower and faithful servant to obey and respect you as the Son love the Father
2. enjoy the privilege of fellowship with Christ  and companion of the Holy Spirit
3. with the hope  as heir and co-ruler of the Kingdom come."

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Consecration, Separation and Contextualization and meaning of Evangelical

GOSP4EL is specific for Evangelical. What does it mean evangelical? I will start defining 'evangelical' as those Bible believing who are eager to share good news in the context of Christianity or Christian churches.

I am thinking about the gospel or good news of the evangelical being the distinctive feature of Christian church and how can and should the Christian churches relate with people outside the churches. Based on my limited understanding, Church is a group of people being called and be different from the rest of other people with the sense of consecration and belong to God in a unique way. I think the consecration has been interpreted as different degree of separation and cause different opinion of separation among the churches themselves and the churches to other.

In the context of Chinese with traditional Confucius influence and currently China's unique socialism influence , how did Christianity communicate with the Chineseness and started Chinese churches? I think GOSP4EL community may need to answer a few rather philosophical and then practical questions of the identity in order to proceed effectively and achieve our common ends.

1. Who are we and who are they?

2. What does it mean to be GLocal?

3.How do our understanding ourselves and others in order to be effective communicate and interact with others for the common good.