Thursday, August 10, 2017

Update Notes of the 4th Gosp4el Hong Kong meeting

February 18, 2017 at 1 PM - 4 PM

A. Apps/ Projects mentioned:

1. Indigitous
2. CCC I-mobilizer
3. Music App: suggest hymns/songs according to the mood
4. Slack USA: Project management app
5. Data firm – Thailand child
6. Raspberry pie
and bible box(This will be a potential project in gosp4el_hk#7, Hong Kong gosp4el hackathon October 20-22, 2017)

7. Joshua Project
8. Bridgebuilder: 宣教position and living cost overview
9. Kingdom builder
 - a slack group

10. Github

11. Door43
12. Unfolding Words – Open Bible Stories
13. Wiki Translation

B. Challenges to follow up / Issues to tackle:

1. IT / datamining expert group is minority in HK: Their timetable for rest and work is unique. How to engage them in the ministry?

2. Search engine with data of Hong Kong Ethnic Miniority香港少數族裔: Who to be included? Are they pieces of sensitive information to be exposed? Who do the management?

3. Language and sub-language (WALS?): How to follow through with the variation of language family?
4. Simultaneous information: How to synchronize the used word in translation for different apps and projects propelled by people in different cities?
5. Localization of translation language: Local groups has their own specific languages. How to translate the content without disconnecting the people in other cities?
6. Digital group of Youth generation: What are their language and machine usage pattern/ habits? How to detail-make the products for them?
7. Language used in the bible and language used in daily living: How to maximize the usage of daily living language in the bible translation?
8. Machine Translation with AI: How to make good use of the current tools to translate as accurate as possible?
9. 信二代和宣二代的華人文化教育:如何教育他們或保持他們的華人文化?
10. 主日學:如何在教學上善用科技?(See the implementation in gosp4el_hk#6 July 2017, and partnership with local church)
11. Distinctiveness and “Chineseness”: What is their definitions in the decade or century ahead? (See the recent implementation of ABCD - audio bible of Chinese dialects/diaspora. I started two whatsapp group for Hakka and Teochew.

12. 香港信徒在全球/東南亞的福音角式:香港信徒在區內和區外有何獨特的角式?如何興起香港信徒達致此目標?

Thank you for the input from May Chan. I updated some info about the current implementation and progress)

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