Thursday, September 17, 2015 與苗文書寫系統

“苗語書寫系統的使用”,已經在網上出版(Eric Drewry 與 小弟合著)
苗文,也稱為老苗文、柏格理苗文。苗文背后有很多有血、有淚、有趣的故事。你可以谷歌“柏格理和苗文”,參閱“在未知的中國”和其他 Samuel Pollard的著作了解更多細節。
苗文Unicode已經在近年誕生。可用于苗族和其他苗文書寫系統的文字處理。。謝謝語言技術專家們的努力。但大多數苗語使用者無法閱讀英 文,scriptsource 的材料以英語為主。盼望這些材料、使用方法,早日有中文翻譯。苗文鍵盤仍在發展階段。有人可以幫忙翻譯嗎?苗文歷史不短,有不少手抄本文獻。如果有人能開 發一個苗文字符識別工具就好了。如能可以幫忙,請與我聯系。
”The Uses and Users of the Miao Script“ has just published recently. The work that I coauthored with Dr. Eric Drewry You can download the PDF for free. Miao Script was also known as Pollard Script. There are interesting stories behind. You can google "Samuel Pollard and Miao" for more details.
Now the writing script are in Unicode and ready to be used for Miao data processing. Thank you for all the good work and effort by script technologists. Most of the users may not be able to read English. Please let me know if you would like to help. I wish the script and these document can be available in Chinese. There are a number of data in hand written form, it would be nice, if someone can develop a character recognition tools. I think the keyboard is still under the development. Please keep praying for this and the users. Please also pray that script will be widely used for His glory.
If you can help, please let me know.
The work was presented in South East Asian Linguistic Conference 2011.

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