Thursday, April 28, 2016

Translation Psalm is difficult. How can volunteer help?

I share in FB about Psalm in the conversation between bono and Eugene Peterson.

Good Bible Translation have the quality of accuracy, clarity, naturalness, consistent and acceptability. At one time one colleague mentioned about the significant of literary. Some projects started and end with New Testament, and portion of the Old Testament. Poetry is certainly very challenging. Translating old testament literary require master both the source language Hebrew and the target language very well, plus. The artistic impact of the translation may be missed, as the translation team have so many different details and aspects need to attend to. If possible, I think relevance can be another feature with high priority for poetry/psalm translation.

If Bible translation required all different skills and need to pay attention to all these aspect. Can volunteer do it? Bible Translation seldom done by one individual without collaboration. Bible translation need team work. I am still thinking how can we collaborate and contribute Bible translation as a master piece of arts.

Some one may not able to translate it well, but with the sense of music and godliness, I think we together can make the difference. Bono is not a translator. His insight may help.

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