Saturday, February 4, 2017

Consecration, Separation and Contextualization and meaning of Evangelical

GOSP4EL is specific for Evangelical. What does it mean evangelical? I will start defining 'evangelical' as those Bible believing who are eager to share good news in the context of Christianity or Christian churches.

I am thinking about the gospel or good news of the evangelical being the distinctive feature of Christian church and how can and should the Christian churches relate with people outside the churches. Based on my limited understanding, Church is a group of people being called and be different from the rest of other people with the sense of consecration and belong to God in a unique way. I think the consecration has been interpreted as different degree of separation and cause different opinion of separation among the churches themselves and the churches to other.

In the context of Chinese with traditional Confucius influence and currently China's unique socialism influence , how did Christianity communicate with the Chineseness and started Chinese churches? I think GOSP4EL community may need to answer a few rather philosophical and then practical questions of the identity in order to proceed effectively and achieve our common ends.

1. Who are we and who are they?

2. What does it mean to be GLocal?

3.How do our understanding ourselves and others in order to be effective communicate and interact with others for the common good.

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