Monday, February 20, 2017

Is great commission about leadership or followership?

I have been involved in leadership training ministry for a number of years. The origin of the leadership program related with Townsend Institute and was found by the founder of Wycliffe Bible Translator,Uncle Cam. The focus of Townsend Institute was training leader/administrative about how to relate with people rather than how to lead people.
As I am reflecting the content of the Bible, I think the term "leader" tend to be used in political sense in the historical context. The great commission is about making followers but not making leaders. I think the Bible provide guidance to relate with people more than to lead others.

As we are trying hard to contribute and obey the Great Commission for the Kingdom
I think we have to be careful and reflecting the Great Commission and the Greatest commandment along with the ultimate destination about where we are going to. I hope we don't love people because we want to see something change, we want to see something change because we love them. It can be rather plastic and easy to show our love in two weeks designed training template. Some missionaries( I feared not majority) came to HK/
China loving us by being with us, learning the difficult Cantonese Chinese and paying very high cost for whom they served for decades, being with us very transparent with integrity of their words and deeds. Instead of recruiting us as part of their team they became ones of us. Instead of making followers of his owe, they have been making us the disciple of the Master.

My prayer is, "God, help me to
1. be a better follower and faithful servant to obey and respect you as the Son love the Father
2. enjoy the privilege of fellowship with Christ  and companion of the Holy Spirit
3. with the hope  as heir and co-ruler of the Kingdom come."

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