Friday, August 25, 2017

Outcomes of GOSP4EL_HK#5&6 - Devotional improvement and Notes on Ephesian Study as a 30Days Hustle project

This is the outcome of GOSP4EL projects partner with Chung On Baptist Church in Hong Kong
I shared in two Saturday sessions on July 8 and July 22 2017. One of the goals of the session is to make the materials of those sessions available as open source.
The first session focus on training issues and value/principle of training, especially based on sth. developed by Jane Vella's "Learning by listening" or Learning that last principle. The ended up with 8 questions/issues that we can follow and develop?
The second session followed up one of the questions and focus in Personal Mission Statement and How can we make a difference before and after training.
I gave the participants two assignments, 1. draft a personal mission statement. 2. 30 days of Hustle for some positive change of improvement
They can choose one of the above.
Please pray for the participants and myself that we can achieve the assignment and make a difference for God before and after our interactions and the process of hustle.
I suggested two articles:
One is about how to draft a personal mission statement.
Another is about how to achieve one change, e.g. reduce weight, better devotion habit, etc. in "30 days of Hustle" by Jon Acuff.
As the facilitator, I think I better facilitate by examples.
  1. PMS - personal mission statement I have shared with the participants my personal life management plan, including my core value and my mission statement. I am going to revised/updated my LMP in next 30 days.
  2. 30DayHustle -- I would like to improve my devotional life/prayer/study the book of Ephesians in depth.
Thus, I will have some kind of blog in next 30 days or in September 2017 following the 30 days hustle template. Please pray for me and walk through this journey with me.

Another outcome of GOSP4EL_HK#5&6 is the generous gift from Chung On Baptist gift, which can be use for the support of the coming GOSP4EL_HK Hackathon event Oct 20-22,2017. We are also very thankful for Wycliffe Hong Kong sponsoring the venue in this event.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Update Notes of the 4th Gosp4el Hong Kong meeting

February 18, 2017 at 1 PM - 4 PM

A. Apps/ Projects mentioned:

1. Indigitous
2. CCC I-mobilizer
3. Music App: suggest hymns/songs according to the mood
4. Slack USA: Project management app
5. Data firm – Thailand child
6. Raspberry pie
and bible box(This will be a potential project in gosp4el_hk#7, Hong Kong gosp4el hackathon October 20-22, 2017)

7. Joshua Project
8. Bridgebuilder: 宣教position and living cost overview
9. Kingdom builder
 - a slack group

10. Github

11. Door43
12. Unfolding Words – Open Bible Stories
13. Wiki Translation

B. Challenges to follow up / Issues to tackle:

1. IT / datamining expert group is minority in HK: Their timetable for rest and work is unique. How to engage them in the ministry?

2. Search engine with data of Hong Kong Ethnic Miniority香港少數族裔: Who to be included? Are they pieces of sensitive information to be exposed? Who do the management?

3. Language and sub-language (WALS?): How to follow through with the variation of language family?
4. Simultaneous information: How to synchronize the used word in translation for different apps and projects propelled by people in different cities?
5. Localization of translation language: Local groups has their own specific languages. How to translate the content without disconnecting the people in other cities?
6. Digital group of Youth generation: What are their language and machine usage pattern/ habits? How to detail-make the products for them?
7. Language used in the bible and language used in daily living: How to maximize the usage of daily living language in the bible translation?
8. Machine Translation with AI: How to make good use of the current tools to translate as accurate as possible?
9. 信二代和宣二代的華人文化教育:如何教育他們或保持他們的華人文化?
10. 主日學:如何在教學上善用科技?(See the implementation in gosp4el_hk#6 July 2017, and partnership with local church)
11. Distinctiveness and “Chineseness”: What is their definitions in the decade or century ahead? (See the recent implementation of ABCD - audio bible of Chinese dialects/diaspora. I started two whatsapp group for Hakka and Teochew.

12. 香港信徒在全球/東南亞的福音角式:香港信徒在區內和區外有何獨特的角式?如何興起香港信徒達致此目標?

Thank you for the input from May Chan. I updated some info about the current implementation and progress)