Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reflection on Moses's Leadership and Leadership in Open Source

Thank you for a colleague sharing his reflection about Moses's leadership and the transition. 
I observe that many good leaders or leaders that I appreciate do not want to lead, but was called to lead. Actually they don't have followers, but they facilitate others to follow the Great Leader.
I think Moses is that kind of "leader". I don't see Moses as a voluntary leader, he was kind of being forced to believe that he was the chosen one to bring the people out from Egypt and pass the Law to God's people. He didn't pass the leadership to Joshua, what he passed on is the instruction and example of an obedient followers of the instruction of God. 
Nowadays I fear that we have shifted the focus from God to the world and different idols in the church, Christian NGO, missions. Some of His people being either secularized by the world or scrutinized from the world. If I would choose some keywords or key term from Gods' people is not about leaders or leadership, but 'watchman', 'care overseer', 'servants', 'heirs', 'followers'(students/disciple/learner). In some chaotic context of chaotic the key words would be 'judge' and 'king'.
Open Source community do not have a very strong hierarchy structure, but at the same time we may have the conflict with extreme openness beyond the boundary of Biblical principle.
For an Open Source Christian community, what key words we would choose to describe ourselves, and how about the leadership?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

溝通的學習和分享 Learning to Communicate 4F+3才-閑話

過去從事翻譯-跨語言文化的溝通,也學習溝通不但要合情合理,但更重要的是“文以載道“ Communicate with purpose/mission. 翻譯聖經跟講道一樣為的是為作者表情達意來改變生命。希望再這里也希望能與大家分享一點再溝通的學習。交流有最少四頻道4F;

1.     fact – 客觀事情、新聞報導 我看見 我聽見我讀到 為什么丈夫總是愛看新聞、讀報紙。(合理)
2.     feel – 主觀感受、藝術、經驗 我感受、我覺得、我體驗 …  為什么丈夫總是不明白 (合情)
3.     future – 將來期望、異象、夢想、行動 我希望… ,我想 …, 我希望我們 我想我們 (文以載道)
4.     feedback – 回饋,溝通得到回饋和預期效果,才功得完滿。

Gossip  -- 閑話別人 -- 不要說別人閑話、特別不要論斷。以身作則比批评别人有效。表扬要公开或私下按文化而制宜。

溝通的環境、條件, 三才 天時、地利、人和

良好溝通 = 3 才( 天時、地利、人和) + 4 F (合情、合理、文以載道、預期回饋)– Gossip(閑話)


馬太福音 9:36-38 36看見許多的人,就憐憫他們;因為他們困苦流離,如同羊沒有牧人一般。 37於是對門徒說:「要收的莊稼多,做工的人少。 38所以,你們當求莊稼的主打發工人出去收他的莊稼。」不知道耶穌當具體怎樣說,只是馬太福音的作者就把祂的知、情、意都描述出來。翻譯\溝通要達成語用學(pragmatics)的效果或激發功能的對等(dynamic/functional equivalent)。希望日后大家能使用不同的頻道、在適合的環境、不說閑話、多說造就人和有正能量的話;并有榮神益人的溝通、交流。

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Essence of a community -- sharing/love and communication in Christian Church?

A community is a group of people who have something in common. Beyond that they need to act for common good and mutually benefit each other, i.e. sharing. I think sharing is the foundation of developing love -- which is the Great Commandment for disciples of Christ and the churches. You may see a group of people called themselves Christians but live in some selfish ways and complaining why their churches are not growing. Actually sharing and love are the foundation. Some churches may have very sweet fellowship within the church, but the Great Commandment require us to go beyond our comfort zone, our geographical, cultural and ethnic boundary ... to make disciple of all nation/ethnic groups for Jesus Christ in such case we need communication not just our language but the languages of others.

I have been thinking as a linguist/translation practitioner and open source advocacy what are the significance of language/communication, translation and sharing economy. At one time people might wonder the ultimate owner of the cathedral building of Christian church. Nowadays while the crowds are looking towards the direction of the mega church, which is nothing wrong, if they can still surrender to Christ. However, it is more important to see the people are communicate and respect with others within their culture and beyond their culture to share Christ love and truth.

I think I can be very ignorant to persuade others to love their neighbor and reach the land of Samaria,even worse as I being an advocacy of open source in Christian church. It's really embarrassing that myself as Christians(esp. Chinese Christian) minority in the open source community. While some people not knowing Christ are sharing what they have with altruism and Christian churches are doing otherwise.

Recently I met a brother from Hong Kong who have been involved in promoting open source development in Hong Kong for many years and came to the Lord not many years ago. I think he is a great blessing to the Christian church. He is involved in the GOSP4EL(HK). Please pray for him and our coming GOSP4EL(HK) meeting on Sep 10, 2016.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Reflection of Glocal Chinese with 9th CCOWE observation

After attending twice CCOWE, I found the Chinese diaspora or oversea Chinese are both global and local phenomenon. Thus, I think the first character, "G", of GOSP4EL should be Glocal rather than global.

In last two CCCOWE, there was an English track congress parallel to the traditional mandarin Chinese track. At the same time, many of the participants are Cantonese speaking. Chinese churches are very complicated.

As I expressed my concern about the localized and indigenous development of local Christian community or materials, many of our English speaking friends are thinking about translating the text and materials. I think it is difficult to explain the Chineseness in term of origins, language, ethnicity and culture with all different combination of the above items.

I am glad to see world evangelism and global mission bring the unity of Chinese churches with global connection. I think it is also very important to let all distinctive Chinese group aware of their difference as strength and limitation, with the potential instrument to glorify God with Kingdom mentality rather than Great Chinese mentality. I think the path of all globcal Chinese church reaching overall global perspective with action is still quite long. As the old Chinese saying, "The path is long. You will certainly not able to get there, if you don't start walking."

I can imagine that is the same things for GOSP4EL, just even Hong Kong. I am glad to see some progress and the networking started expanding. The path is still long. My effort is just a token, I would like to see His Greatness will be demonstrate by His grace and obedience of others, laity and ordinary people.

On September 10, 2016, we are going to have the second GOSP4EL(Hong Kong) meeting.

I certainly would appreciate your promotion, sharing and prayer.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Radical? From Offering, Commitment then Surrender

When I was a young Christian, I came across a Chinese Christian title "Commitment"  by Rev. So. I was not able to recall the details of the book. My impression is there is concern about Chinese Christians along with other growing Christian communities in different part of the world do not really pay attention to the cost of being disciple.
In 9th CCCOWE, we came across the theme, "becoming radical disciples of Christ". In one of the devotional session, Rev. Chan called for surrender as a decision of becoming a radical disciple of Christ. Isn't offering and commitment enough to bring glory to God? Maybe or maybe not. I am not God, I don't know. However, there can be a more radical way to worship God by surrender or even more radical but biblical sacrifice.

What does sacrifice means to us? The first meaning can be  someone or animal as sacrifice because of us. The second meaning can be we as the sacrifice because of someone. If Christ has been the sacrifice for us and yield to the Father's will, then what could be the sacrifice for God's glory and the people that He cared and love. I fear that I dare not to answer the question lightly. How radical should we be? Is why question a legitimate question for being a radical disciple of Christ? Is radical still rational? Why do we ask why?
What are the value behind our words and deeds? Do we have answers of these question? Do we prefer ourselves having answer or not? Why?

If Jesus asks me today, "Do you love me?" as He asked Peter thousands years ago.
I feared that my answer would be, "Lord, you know how much that I don't love you."
May God search our hearts and help us or at least myself to follow Him in ways of offering, commitment, surrender and different means in order to glorify Him.

""If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." C.T. Studd