Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Essence of a community -- sharing/love and communication in Christian Church?

A community is a group of people who have something in common. Beyond that they need to act for common good and mutually benefit each other, i.e. sharing. I think sharing is the foundation of developing love -- which is the Great Commandment for disciples of Christ and the churches. You may see a group of people called themselves Christians but live in some selfish ways and complaining why their churches are not growing. Actually sharing and love are the foundation. Some churches may have very sweet fellowship within the church, but the Great Commandment require us to go beyond our comfort zone, our geographical, cultural and ethnic boundary ... to make disciple of all nation/ethnic groups for Jesus Christ in such case we need communication not just our language but the languages of others.

I have been thinking as a linguist/translation practitioner and open source advocacy what are the significance of language/communication, translation and sharing economy. At one time people might wonder the ultimate owner of the cathedral building of Christian church. Nowadays while the crowds are looking towards the direction of the mega church, which is nothing wrong, if they can still surrender to Christ. However, it is more important to see the people are communicate and respect with others within their culture and beyond their culture to share Christ love and truth.

I think I can be very ignorant to persuade others to love their neighbor and reach the land of Samaria,even worse as I being an advocacy of open source in Christian church. It's really embarrassing that myself as Christians(esp. Chinese Christian) minority in the open source community. While some people not knowing Christ are sharing what they have with altruism and Christian churches are doing otherwise.

Recently I met a brother from Hong Kong who have been involved in promoting open source development in Hong Kong for many years and came to the Lord not many years ago. I think he is a great blessing to the Christian church. He is involved in the GOSP4EL(HK). Please pray for him and our coming GOSP4EL(HK) meeting on Sep 10, 2016.

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